Teacher Resources

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Kindergarten Parent Information

Kindergarten Parent Information Packet

Welcome to Kindergarten! I hope this year will be enjoyable for you and your child. The Kindergarten students start September 5th for their first day of school at 8:40-3:35.
Here is some helpful information about our class. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at school. 876-5400-office 876-5425-classroom. Thanks!

About Mrs. Ouwinga:
I have been teaching for 9 years. I have taught Kindergarten, Junior Kindergarten, and Third Grade. I love Kindergarten the best! I grew up in the U.P. and received my bachelors degree from  Central Michigan University. I also have a Masters degree in Education Leadership from Grand Valley State. My husband is also a teacher at Kenwood school. We have lived in Cadillac for 8 years and are proud parents of a 3 year old-Tessa and 7 month old twins- Jack and Eliza.  I love to garden and take family vacations.

Classroom Blog:

Technology is an important part of education and I am always looking for new ways to incorporate technology into my classroom. I have made a classroom blog to help keep families near and far updated on classroom events and happenings. My hope is to post pictures of fun things we are doing and learning about. There are sites that you can access for your student as well. Please check it out and visit it often with your students. http://www.ouwinga.blogspot.com/


Simple and easy to open and close. Big enough for artwork and snow hear. Label with your childs name-use name child will go by at school (Elizabeth- Liz, James- Jim, ect.) Due to the small size of the lockers, please be sure not to have students use a backpack with wheels.


Twice a month each child needs to bring in a box of snacks. Something easy that can be stored in the cabinet and used when needed. (Crackers, goldfish, pretzels, animal crackers, etc.) I also have a small fridge if you would like to send in some fruit. (Grapes, oranges, etc.) Remember we have 27 students in our room.  Please keep sweets for Birthdays!

B.E.E Binders (Bring Everything Everyday!):

Students are asked to bring a 3 ring binder and a 3 hole pencil pouch for BEE Binder.

Bee books are organizational binders for students.  They replace the typical "take home folder" that gets sent home every night and returned the next school day.  These binders include a wealth of resources for families to utilize, and they help keep students, parents, and teachers organized too! 

Each day important papers and notes will be put in this folder to be delivered to you.  All notes and money from home should also be sent back in the binder. There will be a money pouch in the binder for lunch money, popcorn money, etc. Students should not bring money in their pockets because I won't know what it is for.  The B.E.E. book needs to be carried to and from school each day in your childs backpack.

Volunteers: There are many opportunities for you to volunteer in our classroom. We do not have Kindergarten aides, so the more parent help I can get, the better learning experience for your child. I hope you will consider volunteering your time to help us out this year in any way possible. You can help by volunteering during:

·         Our Literacy Station block from 9:45-10:30 or our Math Station block from 12:P30-1:30 every day/ any day.

·         Cutting out paper or laminating for projects and sent back to school

·         Reading with students

·         Library Volunteer for Thursday 3:00-3:30


Each childs birthday will be celebrated with a small birthday bottle from the teacher and crown. June, July, and August birthdays will be celebrated before school is out at any time that is easiest for the families. Birthdays that fall on a Saturday can be celebrated on Friday before and Sunday birthdays can be celebrated on the following Monday. BIRTHDAY TREATS FOR THE WHOLE CLASS IS OPTIONAL. If you choose to send in a treat, please send in enough for 27 children.


Please think comfortable-not cute! Children should be able to get of their pants or other clothing easily so they can get to the bathroom on time (zippers, belts, buckles, and ties can all be a problem). The bathroom is across the hall, so the children need to be able to help themselves while in the bathroom.  We have gym 3 times a week, so please be sure your child has appropriate shoes. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday are our gym days.

Extra Clothes:

Sometimes accidents happen or things get spilled on the childrens clothing. Please put an extra shirt, pants, socks, and underwear in the Ziploc  bag to be kept in the childs locker just in case. We go outside everyday, dress appropriately!

Bad Weather:

Listen to the radio, check the Internet, or watch the TV!  Two Hour delay- school starts two hours later. School could also be cancelled for the day.

Sick Child:

If your child has had a temperature or has thrown up 24 hours prior to the school day, PLEASE KEEP YOUR CHILD HOME! Let the office know as soon as possible (876-5400.)

Pink Eye: Must be treated by a physician and reported to the school office.

Head Lice:

Childs head must be treated with an over the counter medicated shampoo and the home thoroughly cleaned. (We have information available.)


If your child isnt a bus rider they need to be picked up by parents within 15 minutes of dismissal, unless other arrangements have been made and cleared through the school office. Otherwise, students should be instructed by their parents to walk directly home with their walking buddy or sibling. Please arrange a meeting spot in the lobby where I will be waiting with them for siblings or walking buddies. If you would like to pull up in the front of the school and pick your child up so you dont have to get out of you car, please let me know and your child can wait out front with a supervisor. Please note**If a different arrangement is not cleared with the school, your child will go home the way that is in our records!

Hallway Door Closed: In the morning the green hallway doors are closed. Students and parents should not be in the hallway unless they have an appointment with the teacher. We do this for safety reasons and to be sure the teachers have time to prepare for the day.

Parent/Teacher Conferences:

Conferences take place in October and March. However, if you would like to have a conference at anytime, please set up an appointment with the teacher. It is hard to talk in depth when the students are in the room.

Tie Shoes/ Zip coats:

Our goal this year is to have every students be able to tie his or her shoes. Please help your child at home learn to tie their shoes. Also, as the weather gets cold, it is important for your child to be able to zip their own coat. When winter approaches have your child practice putting their gear on by themselves.

Address/Phone numbers:

Please be sure the teacher and the office are aware if your phone number or address changes. At any moment we might need to get a hold of you. Also, it is an expectation this year that your child learn to recite by memory their full name, parents names, address, and phone number. Please help them work on that at home.

Scholastic Book Orders:

Order forms are sent home each month. Your childs name needs to be on the order form and on the envelope. Please do not send in any loose change or cash. Scholastic does not accept cash. WRITE ALL CHECKS TO: Scholastic Books.  Books will arrive in approximately two weeks.


Check B.E.E. Binder for schedule


Positive discipline is used to help children learn to be responsible for their behavior. Through positive role modeling and social skill lessons, children gradually develop guidelines for positive behavior to enhance their learning environment. Verbal warnings, age appropriate time-outs, and write-ups or calls to home may be used when necessary. VIOLENT behavior will not be acceptable at any time.

Helpful Hints:

·      Please bring your child to school no sooner than 8:15 am. There is no supervision on the playground until this time.

·      When the weather gets cold, please make sure your child has warm clothing. Children are not allowed to stay inside during recess if they dont have proper clothing. There needs to be a doctors note in order for a child to stay in at recess for health reasons.

·      Let me know how your child will be getting home from school the first day at orientation. This will be the way we will be transporting your child unless we have a written note with other instructions. If a last minute change occurs after your child has left for school, you can leave a message at the office. If you are picking your child up from school and you havent made arrangements with me to have them wait in the front with a supervisor, they will be in the lobby waiting with me.

·      School times are 8:40-3:35 Monday- Friday. Questions regarding school bus stops should be directed to Transportation 876-5050.

·      Popcorn is sold the first and third Friday of every month. The cost is $.25.

·      Check your childs backpack daily and send it, along with their B.E.E Binder.

·      Establish a place on your fridge for coming events. I cannot guarantee that I will be sending home reminders. School newsletters will be sent home from the office every other week.  I also try to send out a classroom newsletter every other week letting you know what we are working on in school. Please take time to read them and highlight events that pertain to you and your child.

·      Before the bell rings, students line up at the back door outside the Kindergarten classrooms. They line up on the line according to their class. The teacher will pick them up and escort them to the room. There is to be no one in the halls before school starts for safety reasons and for teacher preparation time. If the classroom door is closed in the morning, I am either on the phone or talking with someone. Although I would like to talk to you, please leave a note in the office for me, or call the classroom.

I am looking forward to working with you this school year! Kindergarten is such a wonderful grade!


Tiffany Ouwinga

Lincoln Kindergarten